Residents get enhanced options to pay taxes online or via phone

Published on January 18, 2022

The portal, which Syracuse currently uses for water and parking payments, will give residents enhanced options to pay taxes online or via phone

The City of Syracuse has partnered with InvoiceCloud, a solution for online bill payment solutions, to launch an enhanced and more comprehensive online billing and payment system for Syracuse residents to make tax payments. The new tax online payment portal began taking payments on December 28. 

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    Previously, online tax payment options were limited to cash, check or credit card methods for Syracuse residents. By implementing InvoiceCloud, Syracuse now offers residents the option to pay bills via phone, text, GooglePay, ApplePay, PayPal or online. The platform also includes the ability to schedule payments on specific dates of the month and features lower convenience fees than the previous system. 

    “InvoiceCloud’s payment portal is a secure and simple way for residents to make payments in the way that’s most convenient for them,” said Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh. “The platform’s ease of use will also save city employees time so that they can focus on high-value interactions with each payments customer and advancing overall operations.”

    InvoiceCloud already provides Syracuse water and parking customers with an online option to pay their bills. The City expanded its InvoiceCloud implementation to give residents the same user-friendly experience with tax bill payments.

    “InvoiceCloud is ideal for our operations in the City Payment Center. It uses a secure, cloud-based platform that protects customer information and it also gives residents an alternative to paying via mail or in-person.

    Whether we are trying to maintain social distancing guidelines or provide a thoughtful convenience for area residents during times of inclement weather, the solution is a smart approach to delivering financial services to thousands of residents and businesses,” said Viki Voss, Deputy Commissioner of Finance. 

    Syracuse residents who wish to register for online bill payment and other convenient payment options and scheduling features can visit Residents who already pay their utility bills through InvoiceCloud will be able to make tax payments through the same portal.