The Lead Grant Program

1. Overview

The Department of Neighborhood and Business Development (NBD) administers the Lead Grant Program, most commonly called the “Lead Program”. This program is funded by several special purpose grants from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and is supported by local foundations and organizations in the City of Syracuse. 

The purpose of the Lead Grant Program is to address issues caused by lead based paint and reduce lead hazards in the City's housing stock. The program allows eligible property owners, tenants, and landlords to apply for funding and assistance with fixing lead-based paint hazards. All grant-funded work completed through this program is completed by EPA certified contractors. 


The mission of the Lead Grant Program is to develop additional lead-safe housing in low to very low income target areas, to work towards a decrease in the rate of children with Elevated Blood Lead Levels (EBLLs), to improve the environments of families residing in the City, and promote the continued education of all children and their families on the hazards of lead in the home.

For more information about the program, please call 315-448-8710, or email

2. Lead Exposure FAQs

What is lead exposure and how does it occur?

Lead exposure occurs most commonly by breathing or eating lead contaminated dust, paint chips, and/or soil. Lead contaminated dust is created most frequently where friction of painted surfaces occurs (i.e. opening and closing windows and doors that contain lead based paint). Due to the heaviness of lead, lead dust settles on floors and other surfaces where children play, therefore exposing them to the substance.

Common renovation work and repair activities can disturb lead-based paint and create lead dust and chips. This is why the Lead Grant Program ensures that EPA Certified contractors complete all remediation work. 

How do I know if my child has been exposed to lead? 

In most cases, there are no outward immediate physical symptoms of lead poisoning. A blood test is the only way to know if your child has been exposed to lead. If you suspect your child has been exposed to lead, please reach out to your family’s doctor to have a blood test done. Please see a list of cleaning methods and tips for controlling lead exposure in your home here.

How do I know if there is lead in my home? 

If your house was built prior to 1978, it is likely that you have some lead in your home. Please contact the Onondaga County Health Department to request an inspection.

3. Lead Grant Program FAQs

Who is eligible to participate?

Participation is on a first come, first served basis. Tenants, landlords, and owner occupants can apply to this program as long as they meet the following requirements:

  • Live in homes which contain lead paint hazards.
  • Own or occupy a one to four family residential structure built before 1978.
  • Residents of the home have a combined current annual gross household income of no more than 80% of the median income for the County as set by HUD (please see the chart below).
  • Must have a child under the age 6 who lives in or spends a significant amount of time in the home. HUD defines “significant” as at least 3 hours per day on 2 separate days in a week (6 hours per week total), and at least 60 hours total per calendar year.

Some vacant properties are eligible for this program. Please call 315-448-8710 to discuss. 

Are there any requirements for eligible properties?

The property must be protected by a current Homeowners Insurance Policy. The property must be covered by flood insurance, if located in a designated flood zone. The property should have all property taxes and mortgage(s) current. Properties in a formal repayment agreement will be considered.

How do I apply?

Those interested in the Lead Grant Program can download the application and submit it via email to, mail, or in person to the Department of Neighborhood and Business Development, located at One Park Place, 300 South State St. Suite 700, Syracuse, NY 13202. 

You may also call 315-448-8710 and request that an application be mailed to you. 

Please refer to the front page of the application to see what documents you will need to submit with your application. Please note, documents may vary based on your family’s circumstances. 

How much assistance can I receive? 

The amount will vary depending on the scope of the hazards found in the home. 

Download Application Form Here.(PDF, 2MB)

How does the program work?

Once applications are submitted with all of the required documents, program eligibility will be determined. If an application meets eligibility requirements, that application will be approved and a formal letter will be sent out in the mail.

The City of Syracuse partners with the Onondaga County Community Development Department. Approved applicants should expect to be contacted by Community Development with details about a Lead Inspection and Risk Assessment of their home. Once the home is inspected and assessed, a scope of work is put together. That scope is provided to a list of EPA Certified contractors, who will then bid on the project.

Once a bid is awarded, work will begin when the awarded contractor’s availability allows.

Please note: contract start dates depend on the availability of both the contractor and the materials necessary to complete all work.

What remediation does this program cover?

Common repairs provided by the program are new windows, doors, and siding. Funds for other health and safety related hazards may also be available.