Street Trees
Syracuse Forestry Division plants trees in the in the city-owned public right-of-way, typically between the curb and sidewalk. Trees will receive establishment watering and care their first year. Structural pruning and lifelong maintenance are guaranteed for all street trees.
Where will we plant trees?
Planting locations and tree species are selected for the space and surrounding conditions, taking into account any above and below ground utilities and other infrastructure to ensure a positive experience and future for you and the tree. A week or two before planting you may see painted lines on the curb marking the planting location and any utilities present.
Why are we planting trees?
Street trees provide shade, cooling, reduced air and noise pollution, storm water absorption, create more walkable neighborhoods, slow traffic speeds, aid in stress reduction, and provide beauty for our community.
Request a Street Tree
Yard Trees
Sign up for a free tree to plant in your yard! Property owners in the City of Syracuse are eligible to receive free trees to plant on their private property. A variety of tree species are available including native, edible, flowering, and both large and small trees to fit your yard.
Trees provide essential services for all Syracuse residents. Planting trees in yards keeps us and our homes cool during the heat of summer and helps collect stormwater in rainy seasons. With 60% of Syracuse's tree canopy space on private property, you are an important part of Syracuse’s goal to plant 70,000 trees by 2042.
Giveaway events where you can pick up your free yard trees take place each fall and spring. Complete the 2024 Free Yard Tree Interest Form below and someone from our Forestry Division will contact you as we get closer to our fall planting season. Note: Completing the interest form does not guarantee a free tree. Thank you for your interest in helping us restore our urban canopy.
Private Planting Recommendations