While all property is assessed, not all of it is taxable. Some are partially exempt because of the qualifications of the property owner. For example, veterans may qualify for an exemption on part of their homes or homeowners may be eligible for the School Tax Relief (STAR) program.
Most exemptions are offered by either the local municipality (city, county or school district), or the state. Contact the Assessment Department to determine what exemptions are available to you.
Common property tax exemptions:
- STAR (School Tax Relief) exemption
- Senior citizens exemption
- Veterans exemption
- Exemption for persons with disabilities
New applicants must apply through New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. Taxpayers with an existing Basic STAR will continue to receive the exemption on their City and School tax bill. New applicants will receive the STAR Savings in the form of a credit check mailed by New York State Department of Taxation and Finance.
New York State Department of Taxation and Finance administers the STAR Program. Taxpayers may register by phone at (518) 457-2036 or online.
Any taxpayer who already has a Basic STAR exemption may apply for the Enhanced STAR through the City of Syracuse. If you do not currently have Basic STAR, you must register for the STAR credit check through New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. The credit check will be mailed by New York State Department of Taxation and Finance. You are not eligible for this if your annual income exceeds $107,300.
To register through the Department of Assessment, visit the office or call (315) 448-8270. You may also apply by mail to the office - City Hall, Room 130; if you have any questions about the application process, please call.
To register through New York State, visit their website. Their phone number is: (518) 457-2036.
Every year you must re-file your Senior Exemption with the City of Syracuse before January 1st to receive it the following year. You must own the property for 1 year, the property owner must be 64 or older to register, and proof of combined owner income of $58,399.99 or less, based on the previous calendar year is required.
The discount is on a sliding scale of 5% - 50% of the property's assessed value. The discount applies to City, School, and County taxes.
To register with the Department of Assessment, visit the office or call (315) 448-8270.
There are two types of exemptions for veterans. We determine these based on the dates of service and location. Any veteran who has received a disability compensation rating may be eligible for extra savings.
You will need proof of honorable discharge (DD-214), and proof of disability compensation rating if applicable. The amounts are 15% or 25% off City and County taxes only; veterans disability discount is consistent with disability rating.
Contact the Department of Assessment to determine which one you qualify for and what documentation you will need; call (315) 448-8270 or visit the office.
The Disability Exemption is for those awarded benefits through the Social Security Administration for a documented disability. Every year you must re-file your Disability Exemption with the City of Syracuse before January 1st to receive it the following year.
You will need to submit your determination letter from the Social Security Administration. You will also need proof of combined owner income of $58,399.99 or less, based on the previous calendar year.
The discount is on a sliding scale of 5% - 50% of the property's assessed value. The discount applies to City, School, and County taxes.
To register with the Department of Assessment, visit the office or call (315) 448-8270.
The Flood Zone Exemption is for property owned in one of the two Flood Zone Districts in the City of Syracuse. Every year you must re-file the Flood Zone Exemption with the City of Syracuse before January 1st to receive it the next year. For the year you receive the discount, the property must have flood insurance from a federally-backed insurance agency. The property must be in one of the flood zones.
Confirm flood zone location and varying zone requirements with the department of Assessment at (315) 448-8270.
More information can be found at FEMA's website: https://msc.fema.gov/portal/home
Historic property that is altered or rehabilitated in accordance with local historic preservation laws is exempt from taxation to the extent of any increase in value attributable to the alteration or rehabilitation. Such improvements are exempt from City and School taxes during the years of exemption.
In order for a structure to be considered an historic property eligible for this exemption, the property must have been designated as a landmark, or be a property that contributes to the character of an historic district created by a local law.
Alterations or rehabilitation of such historic property must be made for means of historic preservation, and such alterations or rehabilitation must meet guidelines and review standards in the local preservation law. Alterations and rehabilitation on historic buildings must be approved by the local preservation commission prior to commencement of such work.
Please visit New York State Department of Taxation's page here for more information.
These are exemptions instituted to help offset the cost of investing in the renovation/rehabilitation of vacant, residential and commercial structures in the City of Syracuse. Here is a list of property improvement tax exemptions. These are exemptions instituted to help offset the cost of investing in the renovation/rehabilitation of residential and commercial structures in the City of Syracuse.
Application for Residential Investment Real Property Tax Exemption
What this exemption is for: You can receive this exemption if you spend at least $10,000 on improvements that cause an increase in assessed value.
What you should know: Ordinary maintenance and repairs do not qualify for this exemption.
How long is this exemption: This is a 5 year exemption that declines by 20% until the property is fully taxable. The exemption applies to City and School taxes only.
Application for Real Property Tax Exemption for Newly Constructed 1 and 2 Family Residences
What this exemption is for: This exemption can have more than one use.
▸It can be used for newly constructed one and two family residences
▸It can also be used for certified unoccupied residential hazards
What you should know: The exemption applies to City and School taxes only.
How long is this exemption: This is a 10 year declining exemption in which the exemption amount decreases by 25% each year beginning in the 8th year.
Application for Real Property Tax Exemption for Residential-Commercial Urban Exemption Program
What this exemption is for: Non-residential properties converted to a mix of residential and commercial use.
What you should know: Ordinary maintenance and repairs do not qualify for the exemption. The exemption applies to City, School, and County taxes.
How long is this exemption: This is a 12-year partial exemption in which the exemption declines by 20% each year beginning in the 9th year. An eligible conversion must have a cost in excess of $10,000.
The exemption applies to the increase in assessment due to the eligible conversion
100% of the increase is exempted for 8 years
80% of the increase is exempted for the 9th year
60% of the increase is exempted in the 10th year
40% of the increase is exempted in the 11th year
20% of the increase is exempted in the 12th year
Application for Real Property Tax Exemption for Commercial, Business or Industrial Property
What this exemption is for: This exemption is for commercial, business, or industrial property construction or improvements in excess of $10,000
What you should know: This exemption applies to City, School, and County taxes.
How long is this exemption: This is a declining 10 year partial exemption.
The Assessment Department strongly encourages residents to call or visit our office to obtain the applications for property tax exemptions. Each exemption requires a unique form and a specific set of supporting documentation.
In Person
The Assessment Department strongly encourages residents to visit our office to obtain and complete the applications for property tax exemptions. Each exemption requires a unique form and a specific set of supporting documentation.
To complete the needed form, visit our office at City Hall. Be prepared to do the following:
- Pay for metered on-street parking if arriving after 9:00 a.m. Parking is free before 9:00 a.m. so we encourage early visitors.
- Enter City Hall from the Market Street entrance.
- Check-In through the security desk and ask for directions to the Assessment Department.
- Be prepared to stay for approximately 15 minutes to discuss and review the forms.
Department of Assessment
233 East Washington St.
City Hall Room 130
Syracuse, NY 13202
Notice: Again, we DO NOT recommend completing the form if you have received one by mail. Review the form and bring it and your needed documentation with you to complete with a member of our team.
Via Phone
To request a tax exemption form by phone, call our office at 315-448-8270 between the hours of 8:00am-5:00pm. Describe to us the form you are interested in and we will mail it to you.
We DO NOT recommend completing the form. Review the form and bring the documentation needed to complete the form with a member of our team.