Stormwater Management Reviews

You must comply with all applicable stormwater management requirements prior to any approval by the City Engineering Department if the project (construction or demolition of buildings, site clearing, filling, grading or excavating, road building, etc.) proposes:

  • to disturb 10,000 sf or more of land (stripping or grading which affects more than 10,000 sf of ground surface within any parcel or any contiguous area)
  • excavation or filling that exceeds a total of 300 cubic yards within any parcel or contiguous area
  • site preparation on sites which exceed 15% slope or result in slopes in excess of 15% (however, when this is the only threshold met, the Director may deem small projects, which in his judgment do not present an adverse environmental impact, as not meeting this threshold).
  • site preparation on sites which exceed 15% slope or result in slopes in excess of 15% (however, when this is the only threshold met, the Director may deem small projects, which in his judgment do not present an adverse environmental impact, as not meeting this threshold).

The SWPPP can be submitted directly to the Engineering Department (City Hall, Room 401), or submitted with either your Zoning application or Building Permit plans at the Central Permit Office (City Hall Commons, Room 101).

For any questions about stormwater management reviews, please contact John Kivlehan, Division Engineer, at (315) 448-8205 or

Stormwater Review Processes

Two separate review processes are required before permits can be issued. First, the SWPPP is reviewed by Engineering. Once the SWPPP is approved the Stormwater Agreements are reviewed by Engineering and Law, then the applicant files notarized, executed agreements with the County Clerk. Please see the link below for the steps for each of these reviews:

Diagram of SWPPP Review Processes
  1. SWPPP/Drainage reports are reviewed by Engineering. This is a technical review to assure that the reports are complete and conform to City and NYSDEC requirements. When the Engineering Department is satisfied, the applicant is notified.

    City of Syracuse's Stormwater Management Document
    >City of Syracuse's Stormwater Management and Erosion Control Ordinance #53
    (PDF, 4MB)
    >City of Syracuse Building Code Chapter 17(PDF, 2MB)

  2. Maintenance and Access agreements are prepared (see instructions and model agreements below) attesting to the applicant’s planned maintenance and the City’s ability to inspect the facilities.
         a. The agreements and surety are submitted to Engineering Department.
         b. The Law and Engineering Departments conduct legal and technical reviews of the agreements.
         c. When Engineering is satisfied, the City Engineer signs the agreements.
         d. The Law Department then notarizes the agreements and the applicant is notified.
         e. The applicant files the agreement with the County Clerk.
         f. The applicant provides the Permit Office with the County Clerk's receipt number.

City of Syracuse Stormwater Agreements
Additional Resources

NYS DEC's Stormwater Construction Management Documents


Related Stormwater Management Documents