Carbon Dioxide Systems for Beverage Dispensing Installations
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is an invisible, odorless gas that is present in the air you breathe. Ordinarily, carbon dioxide is not poisonous. However, breathing high concentrations of CO2 would put one at risk for carbon dioxide poisoning or even death by suffocation.
Recently, emergencies around the nation caused by carbon dioxide systems leaking are on the increase. One incident involved the death of a restaurant worker who was suffocated by the gas. Another incident caused emergency responders, at a medical emergency, to be overcome while trying to render emergency first aid. Numerous others have not been so fortunate.
As of May 12, 2020 New York State formally adopted the 2020 Fire Code of New York State. With this adoption, new carbon dioxide systems having a capacity over 100 lbs. (liquid) or 6000 cubic feet (compressed gas), are required to submit construction plans for approval and obtain a fire code operational permit for said installation.
Any existing carbon dioxide beverage dispensing systems installed prior to the adoption of the 2020 Fire Code of New York shall still be required to comply with minimum codes and standards.
As part of regular fire inspections and education of local business, the Fire Prevention Bureau will include carbon dioxide (CO2) storage, dispensing, permitting, and detection as part of their inspections. Attached you will find a detailed description of these new requirements so you can achieve a better understanding of how to comply with these minimum standards.
We understand that complying with these requirements will take some time and money. Rest assured we are here to assist you in achieving a code compliant carbon dioxide beverage dispensing system that is safe for your customers and employees.
Plan Review and Reporting Requirements
The intent of this guideline is to provide the information necessary to ensure that the design and installation of compressed gas containers, cylinders, tanks and systems will comply with the applicable provisions of Chapters 50 & 53 of the 2020 Fire Code of New York State and NFPA 55 as well as material specific provisions, and permit requirements, as specified by the 2020 Fire Code of New York State.
Carbon Dioxide, also known as CO2, is a colorless, odorless gas that can displace oxygen in an enclosed area and cause asphyxiation. Several fatal carbon dioxide incidents have occurred in restaurants where CO2 leaked from large storage tanks serving carbonated beverage dispensers. These incidents led to the additional permitting and detection requirements for large CO2 storage tanks being added to the 2020 Fire Code of New York State.
Operational Permit Reporting Conditions
1. An operational permit shall be required for insulated liquid carbon dioxide tanks and systems with a capacity of more than 100 pounds (45.4kg) of carbon dioxide used in beverage dispensing applications.
2. A Carbon Dioxide Beverage Dispensing Operational Permit shall be obtained for all new installations of these systems. Existing installations shall be required to be brought into compliance with the 2020 fire code of NYS & NFPA 55 when modified or replaced.
3. The Carbon Dioxide Beverage Dispensing Operational Permits shall be renewed on an annual basis. Failure to comply with the provisions of the Carbon Dioxide Beverage Dispensing Operational Permit, or when a violation is found by inspection, will result in revocation of the operational permit and/or issuance of a citation.
Interior Carbon Dioxide Systems Of 100 pound or Greater
1. Systems in use and stored within the building shall require impact protection from damage and shall require detection or ventilation.
2. Carbon dioxide systems shall be installed so that storage tanks, cylinders, piping, and fittings are protected from damage by occupants or equipment during normal facility operations.
3. Where insulated liquid carbon dioxide storage tanks, cylinders, piping, and equipment are located indoors, rooms or areas containing storage tanks, cylinders, piping and equipment, and other areas where a leak of carbon dioxide is expected to accumulate, shall be provided with mechanical ventilation in accordance with Section 5004.3 of the 2020 Fire Code of NYS. These areas shall be designed to maintain the room containing carbon dioxide at a negative pressure in relation to the surrounding areas.
4. Where ventilation is not provided in accordance with Section 5307.3.1, a gas detection system shall be provided in rooms or indoor areas and in below-grade outdoor locations with insulated Carbon Dioxide systems. Carbon dioxide sensors shall be provided within 12 inches (305 mm) of the floor in the area where gas is expected to accumulate, or other areas specified by the AHJ.
The CO2 detection system shall:
1. Activate an audible and visible supervisory alarm at a normally attended location upon detection of a carbon dioxide concentration of 5,000 ppm (9000 mg/m3).
2. Activate an audible and visible alarm within the room or immediate area where the system is installed upon detection of a carbon dioxide concentration of 30,000 ppm (54 000 mg/m3).
Required Signage
All areas equipped with carbon dioxide sensors/alarms must display warning signage at the entrance to the building, room, enclosure, or confined area where the container is located that warns occupants not to enter when alarms have been activated. Warning signs shall be at least 8 inches wide and 6 inches high and state the following:
A high carbon dioxide gas concentration in this area can cause suffocation.

A graphic floor plan map shall be provided of the area protected by the CO2 emergency alarm system. It shall be permanently mounted adjacent to the Carbon Dioxide Emergency Alarm.
The floor plan map shall be of durable construction and shall indicate the location of supply tanks, points of use, and the CO2 detectors. The graphic map shall state “You Are Here” indicating the location of the map and be properly oriented to assist the responding fire fighters.
The letters “CO2” must be mounted on exterior tank fill connection protective door. These letters shall be a minimum of 3-inches in size (Subscript size for number 2 is optional) and shall contrast with background.
NFPA 704 placards shall be posted at the exterior door leading to the CO2 storage location.

Persons responsible for the operation of areas in which hazardous materials such as CO2 are stored, dispensed, handled, or used shall be familiar with the chemical nature of the materials and the appropriate mitigating actions necessary in the event of a fire leak or spill. Responsible persons shall be designated and trained to be liaison personnel for the fire department. These persons shall aid the fire department in preplanning emergency responses and identification of where hazardous materials are located, and shall have access to Safety Data Sheets and be knowledgeable in the site emergency response procedures (FCNYS – Section 407.4)
Exterior/ Outdoor Carbon Dioxide Systems of One or More Containers of 100 Pounds or Greater
· Shall be above grade.
· Shall not be obstructed by more than three sides of the perimeter with supports and walls.
· Shall not be installed within 10 feet of elevators, unprotected platform ledges or other areas where falling could result.
· Shall not be installed on roofs.
· Shall not be installed within 36” of fire department connections, utility meters or electrical panels.
· Shall be safely supported; vessel foundations must be capable of supporting the full weight of the container, its contents, and associated piping.
· Supply lines shall be UV resistant, protected conduit, or have appropriate covering.
· Shall be equipped with isolation valves installed on the fill line and tank discharge or gas supply line. These valves shall be designed/marked to indicate open or closed, shall be accessible, clearly marked or identified, and capable of being locked or tagged in closed position for servicing.
· When extreme temperatures are prevalent, overhead covers above the tanks on system components shall be provided. Compressed gas containers, cylinders, and tanks, whether full or partially full, shall not be exposed to elevated temperatures exceeding 125°F or sub-ambient (low) temperatures unless designed for use in these conditions.
· Areas used for the storage, use and handling of compressed gas containers, cylinders, tanks, and systems shall be secured against unauthorized entry and safeguarded in an approved manner (i.e., fence, expanded metal cage or cabinet).
· Impact protection or other approved means shall be provided to protect compressed gas containers, cylinders, tanks, and systems indoors and out-doors from vehicular damage, they shall comply with Section 312, of the 2020 Fire Code of New York State.
· An NFPA 704 compliant Hazard Placard is required outside of the enclosure or structure. This placard is subject to verification at the time of the fire safety inspection and prior to issuance of an operational permit. Additional hazard warning signage specific to the material may be required.
Liquid Carbon Dioxide Systems
Containers employed for storage or use of cryogenic fluids shall comply with Sections 5503.1.1 through 5503.1.3.2 and Chapter 50 of the 2020 Fire Code of New York State.
Piping and Fittings
Installation: All mechanical work in the City of Syracuse is regulated by the Mechanical Licensing Ordinance of the City of Syracuse. Contractor must possess a license issued by the Mechanical Board to perform work in the City of Syracuse, New York.
Piping systems shall be identified in accordance with ASME A13.1. Markings for carbon dioxide piping systems shall consist of the content’s name (carbon dioxide or CO2) and direction-of-flow arrow. Markings shall be provided at each valve; at wall, floor, or ceiling penetrations, at each change of direction, and at not less than every 20 feet or fraction thereof throughout the piping run. Piping, tubing, pressure regulators, valves, and other apparatus shall be kept gastight to prevent leakage.
Pressure Relief Valves
Containers, cylinders, and tanks shall be provided with a pressure gauge and a level gauge or device to indicate the quantity of stored liquid carbon dioxide. These devices shall be designed for the temperatures and pressures associated with liquid Carbon Dioxide service. Where containers, cylinders, and tanks are in located remote from the filling connection, a means to determine when the containers have been filled to their design capacity shall be provided and shall be verifiable from the filling connection.
Emergency Shut Off
Emergency shutoffs shall be located at the point of use and at the tank, cylinder, or bulk source. These shutoffs shall be clearly marked. When hazardous materials are stored outside of buildings in stationary above-ground tanks or pressure vessels and are piped into a building, an emergency shutoff valve shall be installed at an approved location outside of the building (NFPA 55, and
Securing of Containers
Stationary containers shall be secured to foundations in accordance with the 2020 Building Code of New York State. Portable containers subject to shifting or upset shall be secured. Nesting of 3 or more containers shall be an acceptable means of securing containers.
Construction Drawings Requirements for New Carbon Dioxide for Beverage Dispensing Systems
Construction permits are required to install, repair damage to, abandon, remove, and place temporarily out of service or close or substantially modify Carbon Dioxide (CO2) systems with more than 100 pounds (45.4 kg) of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in use or storage or any combination thereof. Construction drawings and specifications shall be complete and of sufficient clarity to indicate the entire work proposed and show in detail that the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) system conforms to the provisions of the Fire and Building Codes of New York State and relevant laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. Construction or Shop Drawings shall be submitted for review and approval, PRIOR to installation. No CO2 beverage dispensing systems shall be installed on a site until a Fire Code Operational Permit has been issued.
Any work performed prior to the issuance of this Fire Code Operational Permit may result in a citation being issued for violation of Section 108.8 of the 2020 Fire Code of New York State. In addition, a ‘STOP WORK’ order in accordance with Local Law 5 of 2011-Section and [105.4] of both the 2020 BCNYS and FCNYS will be issued. At a minimum, the ‘STOP WORK’ order will remain in place until such time as:
1. A permit has been issued encompassing such work,
2. The cause of the stop work order no longer exists, and/or
3. The safeguard has been corrected or hazard remediated.
Drawing Submittal Requirements
Each set of drawings and specifications shall, at a minimum, contain the following information: Architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical drawings, specifications, and analysis.
· Drawings shall be generated by the installation company specific to the installation and shall not be copied.
· Plans shall be dimensioned and scaled.
· Floor plan of the building showing where gas is to be installed, distributed, or stored and location(s) of all means of egress (exits).
· The location of the storage containers, both full and empty.
· Identification of the type of gas, the quantity in cubic feet and pounds, and the type of storage containers.
· Drawings shall show adequate separation of incompatible products.
· The piping design plan identifying routing of pipe and method of labeling of piping as per ANSI A13.1.
· Location of shut off valves, relief valves and discharge points.
· Design pressure, maximum operating pressure and test pressure.
· Type, size and setting of pressure relief devices.
· Location and type of alarm system(s).
· Any gas cylinder storage room, including construction type, doors, and ventilation.
· Method of securing cylinders from accidental dislodgment or unauthorized access.
· Location and details for warning signs such as text, size, color, and attachment method shall be provided.
· A full equipment listing including manufacturer’s specifications including all UL listings and evaluations for all parts and materials used in the project shall be provided.
Fire Prevention Bureau
April 2023
Click the link below to download and fill out your Carbon Dioxide for Beverage Dispensing Operational Permit Application