Fire Department Connection (FDC) Bulletin
Fire Department Connection (FDC) Bulletin
The guidelines in this administrative bulletin shall apply to all buildings where FDCs are installed. These guidelines are based on Syracuse Fire Department standard operating procedures and nationally recognized standards.
At a minimum, one FDC is required to be provided as part of a water-based suppression system’s auxiliary water supply. FDCs give the fire department the capability of supplying the necessary water to the automatic sprinkler or standpipe system at a sufficient pressure. The FDC also serves as an alternative source of water should the primary water supply be interrupted.
Fire Department Connections (FDC)
- FDC shall be installed in accordance with the NFPA standard applicable to the system design and shall comply with the Section 912 of 2020 Fire Code of New York State.
- FDC’s shall be provided with 4” Storz connections on all new installations and on systems undergoing major renovations or repair.
- Existing buildings that are not undergoing major renovations to its suppression system, are allowed to maintain the existing FDC connections. The requirements for access, signage, locking caps and clearance, as stated in this bulletin, will be enforce.
FDC shall be so located that fire apparatus and hose connected to supply the system will not obstruct access to the buildings for other fire apparatus.
FDC connections shall be located:
- Where approved by the Syracuse Fire Department.
- On the addressed street side of buildings or facing approved fire apparatus access roads unless alternatively approved by the Syracuse Fire Department.
- When alternatively approved on other than the addressed street side of the building, a directional arrow, in accordance with Table 5.2 of NFPA 170 [2018] shall be affixed to the addressed side of the building indicating the direction to the location of the FDC.
- If a building is on more than one fire access road, additional FDCs may be required to be placed at approved locations on each fire access road.
- FDCs shall be fully visible and recognizable from the street, fire apparatus access road or nearest point of fire department vehicle access.
- If the building requires a standpipe system, a fire hydrant must be within 100 feet of the FDC (installation of a hydrant may be required)
New FDCs shall be located not less than 18” nor more than 48” above the level of the adjoining ground, sidewalk, or grade surface. The surface below all new FDC and the access path to the FDC shall be of concrete, asphalt, or other approved surface capable of being maintained.
Immediate access to FDC shall be maintained at all times and without obstruction by fences, bushes, trees, walls or any other fixed or moveable object. Access to FDC shall be approved by the Syracuse Fire Department
FDC signage shall be installed in accordance with Section 912.5 of the 2020 Fire Code of New York State.
- Signage shall be as shown in Table 5.2 of NFPA 170 (2018 edition).
- Signage shall be constructed of durable, weather-resistant material. Signs shall be secured to the building in proximity to the FDC at no less than 72” and not greater than 120” above grade.
- Where a FDC services multiple buildings, structures or locations, address signage will be required to indicate the buildings, structures or locations served.
- Signage may be required to indicate the pressure required at the inlets to deliver the standpipe system demand.
Locking FDC Caps - Section 912.4.1 [FC]
The Syracuse Fire Department requires Knox locking caps on FDC for water-based fire protection systems.

Clear Space Around Connections -Section 912.4.2 [FC]
A working space of not less than 36” in width, 36” in depth and 78” in height shall be provided and maintained in front of and to the sides of wall mounted FDC and around the circumference of free-standing FDC, except as otherwise required or approved by the Syracuse Fire Department.
The FDC should not be in the direct vicinity of gas meters, electrical equipment, communication equipment and domestic water services because of the potential hazards that are present during fireground operations.
Fire Prevention Bureau
October 2022